Tuesday 14 July 2009

Day 6

First day on the job and I’m first on the video tow. I have to say it isn’t as easy as it sounds, collecting the data. My substrate is very silty and making sure you get the time delay on the camera correct has to be pretty tight! I feel I did well for a first timer on a deep sea camera tow and I have to say it is really awesome indeed. Jaime, can I come back again? Beth (JNCC) is up next and performs well also, so I hope Jaime was pleased. The next step is the long tow over the ridge and seeing how the winch is controlled, it’s my turn to head to the bridge and be the comms. person with the winch driver. It’s a double shift between Jenny and then Martin. I have to say this was difficult (I did sweat a lot) but Jaime did advise well and we had incredible footage of some of the fauna. We couldn’t land the camera as we were on steep flanks and we did rise up slope a few times. We cannot see the altimeter on the bridge, so when you do not know how far you are off the seabed and can only see the video screen, it is very technical and one has to be careful. I enjoyed this a lot, and a subsequent muchio high 5 between Martin, el Capitano Christer and I was due!
Ok, now for a cup of tea as we organise the remaining tows and it is nearly time to finish the shift and the others to start theirs.
A good day I feel and you know, this work is definitely a highlight in the life of Maria Campbell. Give me more, more deep sea tows … It’s not just the work that is fab but the staff of MMT, they rock!
Some of the ships crew, Patrick chief engineer, el capitano Christer and Olaf Chief officer! hi Guys!

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