Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Day 3...safety time!

I woke with an early start, 7 am to be exact, however after last nights late night camera tweeking and transponder problems with the CTD I went back to sleep. It was my first night and I wanted to learn as much as possible and the camera had to be calibrated at various depths and just right for the water test.
I woke at 10 am again, entered the galley and began our first safety tour. With work books at hand Niklas led us to the bridge in order to introduce us to Captain (Master) Christer. We got a grand tour of ship including the engine room, the Poop deck, CO2 room…
At 3pm, we would have an emergency practical. So we got ready for the call… unfortunately we were bird watching on the side deck and near the vents and didn’t hear the alarm. However, we proceeded to gather on deck and try out the floatation suits… It was difficult and I feel that the outfit really did suit me, this cannot be said for Beth’s suit though…absolutely hilarious!

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